
  • Domain Name Search and Registration
  • Website Hosting Setup
  • New WordPress Website Design and Development
  • Existing WordPress Website Redesign and Redevelopment
  • Existing Website Migration to the WordPress Platform
  • WordPress Plugin Configuration and Integration
  • Website Customization and Branding
  • Domain Email Address Setup and Configuration
  • Ongoing WordPress Website Maintenance and Updates
  • Social Site Setup and Integration
  • Graphic Design
  • Training in WordPress, HTML, and CSS


  • eCommerce Solutions to sell your products, services, or memberships
  • Online Learning System Solutions, complete with membership levels and easy creation of modules and units for your curriculum
  • Responsive Solutions that will make your website mobile friendly on smartphones and tablets
  • Lead Capture Solutions that capture vital leads from contact forms and eCommerce orders on your website, importing them directly into your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool
  • Email Newsletter Solutions, like MailChimp, Constant Contact, and Feedburner that will keep you connected with your clients, customers, and community
  • Subscriber Capture Solutions that will capture new subscribers and import them directly into your preferred email newsletter solution.
  • And many more!  Contact the GEEK today to discuss your needs!

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