Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plans

…so you can focus your attention on your business!

As a business or organization, I know you are pulled in so many different directions and have so many things to attend to. Whether it be budgets, meetings, sales, managing client relationships, managing employees… the list goes on and on!  The last thing you need to worry about is your website!

If your website gets hacked or goes down would you lose money?  Would you lose leads?  Would you lose business?  If so, then you cannot afford to have your website down!  If not attended to regularly, then your website will have a greater risk of being hacked or going down.

Keeping your website updated and secure is:

  • Tedious: There are a lot of factors to weed through.
  • Technical: The factors can be mind-numbing, confusing, and over your head.
  • Time Consuming: It takes a lot of time and needs continual attention.

Let me give you peace of mind and relieve you of this burden!  I have the time and expertise to take this on!  With a Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plan I can keep your website updated and keep it more secure, so you can focus your attention on your business!

  • 1 Call Me!  I would like to have a conversation with you about who you are, what you do, what your specific needs are, and I would also like to review your website!
  • 2 Sign Up!  Sign up for the plan below that fits your need!

The following are Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plans offered by GEEK, with a personality. All plans are for 1 website only. If you have additional websites, you will need to sign up for a separate plan for each website (all task are being completed for each website).

Custom pricing is available for large eCommerce, WordPress Multisite, Buddypress, membership, enterprise, or any other site that is deemed out of scope.  Sign up today for the plan that meets your needs!

  • The GEEKling
    Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plan
  • $49 monthly
    Billed Annually. Save $240!
  • $69 monthly
    Billed Monthly. No Discount!  🙁
  • All Tasks are performed once per month.
  • Proactive WordPress Updates
  • Proactive WordPress Theme Updates
  • Proactive WordPress Plugin Updates
  • Proactive Malware Scans
  • Verify Automatic Backups are Running
  • Perform Basic Website Testing
  • *Excludes eCommerce Websites
  • Save $240 when you go with the Annual Plan!
  • Get Started!
  • Development Hours
    If you need me to work additional hours on your website, please head over to Development Hours where you can sign up for additional development time each month.
  • The GEEKness
    Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plan
  • $99 monthly
    Billed Annually. Save $360!
  • $129 monthly
    Billed Monthly. No Discount!  🙁
  • ALL TASKS under the GEEKling Plan
  • +++ PLUS +++
  • Regular Security Monitoring:
    Scan for site, file, and database vulnerabilities, check file and folder permissions, check failed and successful logins, crawler analysis, 404s analysis, country traffic.
  • Proactive Security Adjustments
  • Monthly Broken Link Scan
  • Resolve Update Issues:
    If a WordPress update, theme update, or plugin update breaks something on your website, I will work to resolve the issue.
  • Offsite Backups:
    Configured to be sent to your Dropbox, Google Drive, or similar account.
  • 60 Minutes of Technical Guidance1 each month*
    *Unused time can rollover up to 3 hours total. Time beyond that expires.
  • Save $360 when you go with the Annual Plan!
  • Get Started!
  • Development Hours
    If you need me to work additional hours on your website, please head over to Development Hours where you can sign up for additional development time each month.
  • The GEEK King
    Monthly WordPress Website Maintenance Plan
    Mission Critical!
  • $199 monthly
    Billed Annually. Save $600!
  • $249 monthly
    Billed Monthly. No Discount!  🙁
  • ALL TASKS under the GEEKness Plan
  • +++ PLUS +++
  • UNLIMITED Technical Guidance1
  • 60 Minutes of Basic Site Updates each month*2
    *Unused time rolls over to the next month and never expires.
  • Emergency Support:
    Support requests are monitored after hours and if there is an emergency support request that needs my attention, I will respond within 2 hours, however, time to resolve the issue will depend on the issue.
  • FREE Restore from Backups in the event of your website being down.
  • Save $600 when you go with the Annual Plan!
  • Get Started!
  • Development Hours
    If you need me to work additional hours on your website, please head over to Development Hours where you can sign up for additional development time each month.

1 Technical Guidance is defined as questions and guidance related to WordPress, how-to’s and issues you are running into. Technical Guidance cannot be used to actually have me fix issues, update content, add functionality, make design changes, or any requests that I determine are out of scope for Technical Guidance.

2 Basic Site Updates are subject to approval and defined as minor changes/updates to the following: design, navigation, content (text, images, graphical elements, galleries, slideshows, and products), plugins, and on-page SEO. If requests that fall outside of this definition are submitted, you will be given a quote at my hourly rate. You will be notified and asked to approve the work before it is done.  If declined, no work will be done.