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Have you ever dreamed 'website'?

Do you have a cool product that you’ve dreamed about selling online? Have you ever dreamed about creating a paid access online course to automate your trainings and knowledge? Teach people what you know! Do you have something special to …

Have You Ever Dreamed ‘website’? Read More »

Welcome to Part 2 of Free Plugins: The Thrill of the Hunt! As we know, the back-end is just as vital as the front end!  Of course, if there was no back-end, then we wouldn’t have a front-end!  Here are …

Free WordPress Plugins: The Thrill of the Hunt – Part 2 Read More »

I don’t know why I am wired this way, but I love freeware and free stuff. I’ve been a computer geek for over 25 years and I have spent countless hours searching for free software! I guess it has been …

Free WordPress Plugins: The Thrill of the Hunt – Part 1 Read More »

Have you ever left a store after a horrible experience there and said to yourself, “I am NEVER going back there!”? Well, what kind of experience do you think your website visitors are having on your mobile un-friendly website? Does …

Mobile Friendly Website Series: Positivity! Read More »

Another major benefit of having a mobile friendly website is that it shows visitors that you care enough about your business/organization to spend the time, money, and resources make your website look good on mobile devices. They might not even …

Mobile Friendly Website Series: You Care! Read More »

Having a mobile friendly website benefits you in more ways than you can imagine. One of the primary benefits is it gives your visitors a very positive impression of your business/organization. You spend so much time, money, and resources branding …

Mobile Friendly Website Series: The Vital First Impression Read More »

The world of mobile technology is moving rapidly. How people are using the internet is changing.  And, how people are engaging with businesses and organizations is shifting dramatically. Where is the proof? Outside of simply watching people on their smartphones, …

Mobile Friendly Website Series: The Proof is in the Stats (not the pudding!) Read More »

Smartphones and tablets are everywhere! Just go sit at a coffee shop, a restaurant, a park, etc., and you will see several people using smartphones or tablets using them for anything and everything. I was at Nokomis Lake beach in …

Mobile Friendly Website Series: Happenin’ or Not Happenin’? Read More »


I am a part of the Minneapolis-St. Paul WordPress User Group, which is a Meetup group that meets once a month in Bloomington, MN. At the January 2014 Meetup they talked about WordPress and Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It was …

SEO Key: Write Awesome Content! Read More »

WordPress website design maintenance training Minneapolis

You might be asking yourself, “What is WordPress and why do I care?”  In this day and age you have an abundant amount of choices when it comes to building a website, but all are not equal in terms of …

WordPress – The What and Why Read More »